An Evaluation of Unconventional Monetary Policies: Past, Present, and Future – April 19, 2013

Conference Program


• Tayfun Bayazıt, Vice President of the Board of Directors, TÜSİAD

Opening remarks

• Mark Lewis, Senior Representative, IMF, Türkiye

Unconventional policies in an unconventional world

• Seth Carpenter, Associate Director, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

The experience of the Federal Reserve

• Hakan Kara, Chief Economist, Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye

The experience of Türkiye

• Francesco Drudi, Head of Monetary Policy Stance Division, European Central Bank

The monetary policy in the ECB during the financial crisis

• Jens Eisenschmidt, Economist, European Central Bank

The ECB’s tools for interbank analysis